What to look for when buying an Esrog? What’s the minimum to be Yotzei and what’s a Hiddur? What’s the difference between the different types of Esrogim? What does the Hechsher on the Esrog box mean? and much more…
What to be careful about when making a Sukkah? What mats are Kosher for Schach? What to do if your mat rolled up on Yom Tov? Can you go on a trip to a place that doesn’t have a Sukkah? Is someone who’s sleeping obligated in the Mitzvah of Sukkah? and much more…
Fascinating discussions on – Showers on yom tov with cold water, hot water; should we be davening this year in shul even with a mask; wearing gloves by lulav; pop up sukkos; meal of meat outside sukkah; shaming people without masks; and much more…