12/09/17 - SHIUR 148 (10,256 Downloads) Organ Donation and Brain Death, a Halachic Debate Speakers : Rabbi Dovid Feinstein, Rabbi Yonason Binyamin Weiss, Rabbi Shmuel Fuerst, Rabbi Robby Berman, Dr. David Simpson Category : Doctors, Health Should you sign an organ donor card and save as many as 8 lives?
06/24/17 - SHIUR 123 (4,618 Downloads) Self-assisted suicide in Halacha and other contemporary medical Shailos Speakers : Rabbi Yaakov Feitman, Rabbi Yehuda Leib Weiner Category : Doctors, Health, Suicide Self-assisted suicide in Halacha and other contemporary medical Shailos
05/06/17 - SHIUR 116 (5,950 Downloads) End of life issues | Yoetzet; having lady Poskim for Women’s Halacha Speakers : Dr. Howard Lebowitz, Rebbetzin Chana Henkin Category : Feminism, Health, Lady Rabbis Responding to calls / emails End of life issues Yoetzet; having lady Poskim for Women’s Halacha
09/19/15 - SHIUR 36 (2,250 Downloads) End of Life Issues Speakers : Rabbi Shmuel Lefkowitz, Rabbi Eliezer Gewirtzman Category : Health End of Life Issues