
06/24/22 - SHIUR 376 (26,906 Downloads)

Mechitzas – When do we need one? + Music Part III (a supplement to the previous Shiurim)

Simchas:  Chupa, Chasuna, Sheva Brochos Do any of them need a Mechitza?
Does a concert need to have a Mechitza or is mixed seating/family seating allowed?
Why is a Mechitza not mentioned in Shulchan Aruch The only Charedi Yeshivah that has a music room

11/20/21 - SHIUR 346 (28,606 Downloads)

When a Chassidus splits…

What’s the Halacha:
Can a child be thrown out of school because of a parent switching affiliations?
Is there an obligation to the child, or is a Yeshivah like any other private corporation that can do what it wants?
Can a wife be fired because of her husband’s actions?
If parents sign a document not to change affiliations, is it binding on the child?
How much damage is caused to a child when he/she is thrown out of school?
Historically, what effect does a Chassidus splitting have on family structure?

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