04/30/22 - SHIUR 368 (18,552 Downloads) What time can you count Sefiras Haomer? | Chametz after Pesach – What are the issues? | Can we rely on our Shabbos and hotel Hashgachos? Speakers : Rabbi Chaim Jachter, Rabbi Yudel Shain, Rabbi Mordechai Shain Category : Chametz, Kashrus, Pesach
04/06/19 - SHIUR 215 (16,656 Downloads) Pesach Shiur Speakers : Mr. Simon Bergson, Rabbi Kalman Weinfeld, Rabbi Eliezer Gersten, Rabbi Nissan Kaplan, Rabbi Nesanel Sommer, Rabbi Avi Juravel Category : Chametz, Kashrus, Pesach Should you go to a hotel? What should your concerns be before you go? Is Quinoa kitniyos? The beer controversy resolved
01/26/19 - SHIUR 205 (19,748 Downloads) Kashrus In Eretz Yisroel and Kashrus Part 3 Speakers : Rabbi Moshe Katz, Rabbi Shmuel Weiner, Rabbi Dr. Avrom Pollak, Rabbi Zvi Holland Category : Eretz Yisroel, Kashrus Kashrus In Eretz Yisroel and Kashrus Part 3
04/01/17 - SHIUR 111 (3,668 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Elyada Goldvicht Is your Pesach hotel really Kosher L’Pesach? Speakers : Rabbi Dov Schreier, Rabbi Kalman Weinfeld, Rabbi Avi Ratner, Mr. Shaya Umles Category : Kashrus, Pesach Is your Pesach hotel really Kosher L’Pesach?