06/23/18 - SHIUR 175 (13,508 Downloads) Geirim – Should we accept them or is the Syrian edict the correct model? Speakers : Rabbi Nachum Eisenstein, Rabbi Yitzchok Dwek, Rabbi Yitzchok Fuchs Category : Geirus, Marriage Vihavtem Es Hager at What Price? Hafka’as Kiddushin Controversy in Eretz Yisroel
02/13/16 - SHIUR 56 (3,806 Downloads) School Acceptance Policies Speakers : Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch, Rabbi Dovid Yosef, Rabbi Nachum Eisenstein, Rabbi Meir Hertz, Rabbi Binyomin Ginsberg, Rabbi Gedalia Weinberger, Mr. Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz Category : Eretz Yisroel, Racism, Yeshivos School Acceptance Policies Are we allowed to have elitist attitudes?