
01/16/25 - SHIUR 498 (17,790 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Should each community have a “Rebbetzin” to teach, advise and inspire the women?

Are women’s learning programs motivated by feminism and the desire for “equality”?
Are women required to learn any Torah? Can they learn Zohar and Gemara?
Is it preferable that women teach women? Can men attend the shiurim as well?
Does a connection need to be achieved through learning Torah, or do Chesed and Tehillim groups work better?

06/19/21 - SHIUR 327 (36,724 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Female Rabbis – A problem of Halacha, Mesorah, or even worse?

Is there a problem with giving “semicha” to a woman?
Can a woman be a shul or community rabbi?
Can a shul with a woman rabbi call itself “orthodox”?
What if she’s called Rabbah, Maharat, etc. instead of being called “Rabbi”?
What’s the line between what’s acceptable and what’s not?
Can a woman pasken shaylos?

09/10/16 - SHIUR 82 (2,990 Downloads)

Shailos and Teshuvos with Rabbi Avigdor Nebenzahl

Exchanging terrorists for a solider- The Gilad Shalit deal

Going up to the Har Habayis

Women of the Wall

Women saying Kaddish

Video cameras on Shabbos

Burial in Eretz Yisroel

Havdalah and Amein over the telephone

Webcam- Does it solve Yichud and Cholov Yisroel

Going to Uman for Rosh Hashana

Kollel vs. Kiruv

When’s it time to leave Kollel

Treating wounded terrorists

Killing a terrorist where others will get killed with him

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