School Acceptance Policies
Are we allowed to have elitist attitudes?
School Acceptance Policies
Are we allowed to have elitist attitudes?
Parnassah, Bitachon and Higher education
Bitachon vs. Hishtadlus
Joining the workforce after Yeshiva
Do Party Planners need Hashgacha?
Priorities in Tzedakah; your childrens Rabbeim
Dealing with Crisis in Halacha and Hashkafa
Reporting a Molester to the Police
Revolutionary and Controversial Ben Pakua Shechita
Halachos of Kiruv
Loshon Hora and the Chareidi Blogs
Science and Halacha: how to resolve the contradictions
Hishtadlus and Bitachon Chush- education for special needs children
NY State GET law
Do you marry your Bashert?
Cosmetic surgery and Hishtadlus for Shidduchim
Special one year anniversary show with the Gadol Hador the Raavid of the Eidah Hacharaidus, Hagaon Hagodol Harav Moshe Shternbuch Shlita.
He will be talking in English a conversation with Dovid Lichtenstein about modern contemporary halachic issues.
Topics will include Hafgaas kidushin in todays age, genetic testing, prenuptial agreements in todays times, is it a smart idea, is it halachically acceptable? vaccinations for children, should one follow his doctors advice or his Rovs? shaking hands with the opposite gender in the workplace, motion sensors, the kosher switch and grama on shabbos. Daas torah: what lesson should be taken from the…
Parnassah: Dealing with the challenge of life after Kollel
Loshon Hora; when is it permitted?
Confidentiality in Halacha Copyright in Halacha Hafka’as kiddushin
Discrimination and the Situation in Israel today Vaccination in Halacha Alternative Lifestyles Smoking in Halacha Ilana Silver of Sharsheret: An Organization that helps Women with Breast Cancer
Shooting to Kill Terrorists: A Halachic Perspective or Shoot to kill? Is that Jewish behavior?
Being Mafkia a Kiddushin
Is Someone Who Goes to Har HaBayis a Rodef? Daas Torah and Emunas Chachomim, to whom does it apply?
The Agunah Crisis (rerun)
Reporting Abuse to Authorities and Ayin Hara Using the Yom Tov Oven
Vaccination in Halacha
DNA in Halacha
End of Life Issues
Reporting Abuse Cases to Authorities
Going to Hotels for Rosh Hashana and Succos Am I Allowed to miss Minyan for Shalom Bayis? & Other Halachic Shalom Bayis Questions
Financial Considerations and the Mitzvah of Pru U’Revu
E-Cigarettes in Halacha
The BRCA gene and Genetic testing – Understanding the halachic debate of Dor Yesharim Should we be testing for other genetic diseases for shidduchim and other relevant genetic debates in halacha
The Kosher Switch
Going to secular court (is it ever permitted?)
Daas Torah in Halacha (What’s it’s source? Do all agree with the concept? What are its limitations?)
Implication in the frum world on the supreme court ruling “The Aguda’s view on Gay Marriage”
Practical Tzedakah Questions:
Who to give to?
Do you have to give someone buying an apartment when your child doesn’t own one yet?
Should we allow collectors at weddings?
During Davening?
OCD in Halacha
The Mamzerus Crisis & Solutions
School Vouchers and Metzitzah B’Peh
Priorities in Tzedakah
Happy Families Starbucks: Is it Kosher? Part II
Starbucks: Is it Kosher? Part I
Ein Mazel L’Yisroel: Does Mazel Play a Role in Halacha?
The Kosher Switch
Kabbala & Segulos: Are They Relevant Today or Are They Being Misused?
Bankruptcy in Halacha Internet and Your Teen: Looking for a Practical Solution
Vaccinations in Halacha Parenting Children in a Consumerism-Obsessed Society
Jewish Missionary: Should We Be Trying to Improve the World? Help Them Be Mikayem Sheva Mitzvos Bnai Noach?