
12/05/15 - SHIUR 46 (2,818 Downloads)

Shailos and Teshuvos: Special one year anniversary show with the Gadol Hador the Raavid of the Eidah Hacharaidus, Hagaon Hagodol Harav Moshe Shternbuch Shlita

Special one year anniversary show with the Gadol Hador the Raavid of the Eidah Hacharaidus, Hagaon Hagodol Harav Moshe Shternbuch Shlita.
He will be talking in English a conversation with Dovid Lichtenstein about modern contemporary halachic issues.
Topics will include Hafgaas kidushin in todays age, genetic testing,  prenuptial agreements in todays times, is it a smart idea, is it halachically acceptable? vaccinations for children, should one follow his doctors advice or his Rovs? shaking hands with the opposite gender in the workplace, motion sensors, the kosher switch and grama on shabbos. Daas torah: what lesson should be taken from the…

11/07/15 - SHIUR 42 (1,582 Downloads)

Discrimination and the situation in Israel today | Vaccination in Halacha | Alternative Lifestyles | Smoking in Halacha | Elana Silber of Sharsheret

Discrimination and the Situation in Israel today Vaccination in Halacha Alternative Lifestyles Smoking in Halacha Ilana Silver of Sharsheret: An Organization that helps Women with Breast Cancer

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