Rabbi Moshe Elefant

02/06/25 - SHIUR 501 (13,486 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Roommates – what are the major areas of conflict? Are there ways to resolve them?

What are the most common issues/controversies that come up between roommates?
Are there any halachic requirements to keep your place clean?
Do you violate Gezel Sheina when your alarm wakes up your roommate?
Can you borrow your roommates’ pots, books, pillow, toothpaste, etc. without permission?
What happens with the kitchen when roommates have different standards of Kashrus?

10/10/24 - SHIUR 486 (22,696 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

What’s the role of a shul Rav during the Yomim Tovim? What are the most common and unusual questions being asked to our Rabbanim?

Are your responsibilities as a shul Rav any different during this time of year?
What questions are people asking you?
Is the war in Israel having an impact on you or your community?
What unusual incidents have happened in your shul during The Yomim Tovim?
What’s your favorite Devar Torah for Succos?

05/23/24 - SHIUR 468 (16,822 Downloads)

Conflict with the In-Laws – what causes it, how to deal with it

How do you handle a conflict between honoring in-laws and honoring your own parents?
Are there times that married children need to listen to input from in-laws?
Are there halachos about what to call your in-laws?
What does a mother-in-law do when she sees deficiencies in her daughter-in-law
Are there typically father-in-law issues, and if so, what?
What are healthy boundaries, and how do you establish them?

02/09/23 - SHIUR 407 (22,816 Downloads)

Kashrus in home establishments | How do you know if you’re really eating Kosher?

If you make products at home and sell them, do you need a Hechsher?
Why is it different than eating at someone else’s house that you don’t need a Hechsher?
Is this Hechsher different than a Hechsher on a food establishment?
How can you do spot checks in a person’s private home?
There are hundreds of Hechsherim – How do you know what you really can rely on?
What standards does a Kashrus need to have to really rely on them?

06/16/22 - SHIUR 375 (25,508 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

“Off MY Derech” (but still “On THE Derech”) – When children turn out more observant – or less observant – than their parents had hoped

What are the major areas of tension between parents and children regarding religious observance?
How should the issues be handled by both parent and child?
Are there differences between baalei tshuvah, modern orthodox and yeshivish in this regard?
Does Kibud Av Ve’eim mean that the child needs to fulfill the desires of the parents, even when the child disagrees?
Must children eat by parents when the children have stricter standards of Kashrus?
Can parents eat by children who have laxer standards?

01/01/22 - SHIUR 352 (26,182 Downloads)

Living in a new world – Security Cameras everywhere

Can cameras be used for Hashgachos / Cholov Yisrael?
Do we still need on site Mashgiachim?
Security cameras around homes and shuls; does it create a problem entering / walking by on Shabbos?
Can you use a camera to monitor an elderly parent who’s in quarantine / in the hospital on Shabbos?
Can you use a nanny cam or baby monitor on Shabbos?

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