Martin Friedlander

01/01/25 - SHIUR 496 (26,292 Downloads)

The Halachos of Heter Meah Rabbanim – An Agunah for over a decade – Hear both sides of the story

Can you ever make a Heter Meah Rabbanim without leaving a Get in Beis Din?
Is a Beis Din ever allowed to withhold the Get from the woman?
In order to get the husband visitation
To get the husband financial compensation
To get the woman to drop criminal charges
To get the woman to drop lawsuits
How easy is it to get a court to deny visitation from the father?
And much more…

12/28/19 - SHIUR 252 (42,684 Downloads)

Horror Agunah Stories – Prenuptial Agreements: Halacha, Hashkafa and Practicality – Don’t get married or allow your child to get married without listening to this program

How to insure against the horrors of divorce or being left an aguna: The new Prenuptial that has the Haskamos of Gedolei HaPoskim. Horror Agunah stories that prenups would have helped. Is it a forced Get? Do they actually work? Can it solve the Agunah crisis?

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