253 Yehudah Herskovitz - Halacha Headlines

Rabbi Yehudah Herskovitz

01/19/19 - SHIUR 204 (15,418 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Yehoshua Pfeffer

Being Frum in Academia: How to make it work

What are the dangers and challenges of academia today? How can we strengthen ourselves and our children to navigate them? Is academia diametrically opposed to a Torah life?
A discussion with expert and experienced rabbis and academics

10/06/18 - SHIUR 189 (14,500 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Yehoshua Pfeffer

Psychology vs. Torah Hashkafah – Does it Shtim? 3 Professional Views

Are the values of modern psychology incompatible with Torah values? Should we study psychology at secular academic institutions, and rely on therapists who were trained there? What are some specific areas of conflict? How should we look at the entry of the psychological discipline into our communities and institutions?

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