Rabbi Avrohom Kahan

11/04/22 - SHIUR 393 (29,426 Downloads)

Hear from the wife of someone who has SSA – Is there life after divorce?

Is same sex attraction real? Hear about it in real life  with “Sara” – A wife of someone who has SSA

Can the mother have custody of the boys when the father has a Mitzvah to teach his children Torah?
Are you allowed to say Loshon Horah when asked Shidduch information about your ex- spouse?
Are you allowed to say the divorce wasn’t messy?
Can you hide your assets to give less alimony?
If a spouse is violating the divorce agreement and Beis Din can’t enforce it, are you allowed to go to secular court?
If one of the spouses goes off the Derech how should it be dealt with?
How are the ex-spouses supposed to communicate with each other?
If one of the spouses remarries, how do they walk down to the Chuppah?

10/17/20 - SHIUR 293 (19,084 Downloads)

Being in the Headlines – Did we forget we are in Galus?

Our communities response to Covid examined halachically:
Agudah: A remarkable change of decades of policy unnoticed by many
Lakewood: Is the Covid Vaads Psak that a shul is מגין ומציל and therefore no need for masks consistent with Halacha?
The multitudes of sick in Monroe: Is there a mitzvah of Hatzala to a community that exhibits reckless behavior?
Belz: Is it justified to risk lives of some to save lives of others?

04/25/20 - SHIUR 269 (19,908 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Avrohom Kahan

Divorces and Parent Alienation: What’s the Halacha and Hashkafic Approach

How should a person deal with deal with parental alienation? What mistakes are being made? Divorce in the frum community, protecting the children, Bais Din vs. secular court

12/28/19 - SHIUR 252 (42,674 Downloads)

Horror Agunah Stories – Prenuptial Agreements: Halacha, Hashkafa and Practicality – Don’t get married or allow your child to get married without listening to this program

How to insure against the horrors of divorce or being left an aguna: The new Prenuptial that has the Haskamos of Gedolei HaPoskim. Horror Agunah stories that prenups would have helped. Is it a forced Get? Do they actually work? Can it solve the Agunah crisis?

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