Rabbi Yaakov Neuberger

12/19/24 - SHIUR 494 (14,984 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

How to not lose our children – and ourselves – to peer pressure

How can a child withstand peer pressure
Why do some kids give in easily to peer pressure and others don’t
How should parents educate their children to withstand peer pressure
What are the most common peer pressures in our yeshivos and girls’ schools
Why do kids and teens involved in bad behaviors want to get their peers to join them
Are we obligated to avoid negative influences and make Gedarim for ourselves

08/08/24 - SHIUR 478 (21,044 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Extremism – What causes Chareidi extremism? Is it a bad thing? What about Hilltop Youth extremism against Arabs?

What causes someone to become an extremist?
Is extremism stronger now than 20-30 years ago?
Are there similarities between Chareidi extremism, the Hilltop Youths and Leftists against Chareidim?
If you don’t agree with a law, can you violate it?
Are there times when extremism is warranted?
Is being OTD another form of extremism? And are there ways to improve the system?

02/22/24 - SHIUR 457 (23,470 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Avoiding the #1 reason for divorce – how to stay connected with your spouse and not drift apart

What are the halachic obligations spouses have to each other?
How does a relationship change over the course of a marriage?
Are there differences in how to stay connected at the beginning of marriage, in the middle and later in life?
What causes spouses to disconnect from each other?
Can you reconnect once you have already disconnected?
What’s the impact of social media on marriages?

09/14/23 - SHIUR 436 (25,644 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Making 5784 into “THE YEAR”

What’s your favorite Yamim Noraim devar Torah?
What’s your advice for improving ourselves?
What’s worked for you?

08/24/23 - SHIUR 433 (25,712 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Conflict in marriage – how to fight effectively

Are there Halachos on how spouses should engage in conflict?
Do men and women fight differently?
What are the top 3 things men complain about regarding their wives and vice versa?
Should conflict be avoided or embraced?
What are effective methods to deal with conflicts?

05/07/22 - SHIUR 369 (31,138 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

What makes a successful marriage? What are common mistakes that should be avoided?

What’s the most important ingredient to have a successful marriage?
What are significant issues that are easy to resolve? What are some common mistakes that spouses make?
What can boys and girls in Shidduchim – or even earlier – do to prepare for a successful marriage?
What should be done when a couple hits turbulence during marriage?
How to handle disagreements over: money, having additional children, conflicting minhagim, where to send kids to school and more

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