What’s the most difficult Mitzvah?
Fascinating sources for:
Taanis Esther
Purim Torah
And more…..
What’s the most difficult Mitzvah?
Fascinating sources for:
Taanis Esther
Purim Torah
And more…..
Electric Water Meter
Sump Pump (basement pump)
Security systems
Motion sensors
Should Headlines have Shiurim on sensitive issues?
Is it better to educate the public, or is it exposing Bochurim and others to things that they shouldn’t be exposed to?
Is it a lack of Tznius to discuss certain topics in public?
Is there a way to balance Tznius VS public awareness?
Does discussing certain issues promote wrong ideas?
Is it Loshon Horah to publicize allegations against a specific person or is it הצלת נפשות?
Should magazines and newspapers be running ads on these sensitive issues?
Are we supposed to have one way in Avodas Hashem or combine various ways?
Teaching practical secular studies in our Yeshivos
Dealing with mental health challenges in our schools
Should a Kashrus certification’s decisions be solely based on Halacha? What moral decisions should be taken into consideration?
A lesson in Ahavas Yisroel from Reb Moshe & Reb Dovid Feinstein
Balancing protecting from the predator to protecting the reputation of the accused, Should the jewish media be reporting offenders to make awareness? Are allegations to be believed if they can be poliitcally motivated?
The Ne’emanus of women, Are offenders habitual?, and much more…
Card games, Going to a casino, Chinese auctions, Poker – what is muttar?
The dangers of gambling
What is the inyan to have a beard? Are shavers muttar?
Confidentiality in Halacha Copyright in Halacha Hafka’as kiddushin