708 Lou Shapiro - Halacha Headlines

Lou Shapiro

06/16/23 - SHIUR 423 (24,732 Downloads)

Subway Chokehold – Daniel Penny VS Jordan Neely through the lense of Halacha | AI Paskening II

Overreacting in self defense, is it Muttar?
Do you have have to try to be מציל באחד מאבריו when someone’s attacking you?
When unsure if someone is attacking what can you do to protect youself?
(ספק רודף)
Self defense against people who are mentally unstable – does a שוטה have a din of a rodef?
Are you חייב מיתה if you kill a שוטה?
What preventive measures can you take to protect yourself from being harmed?

08/12/22 - SHIUR 383 (22,662 Downloads)

DUI in Halacha

The alcohol epidemic in our community, what are the repercussions?
If a person gets arrested due to a DUI incident is there a Mitzva of Pidyon Shevuim?
If a person gives alcohol to legal minors, can he be held culpable?
Can a person be held accountable for giving excess drinks to adults?
Can a persom who gives alcohol to legal minors be turned over to the authorities?

A person who endangers the public can he be turned over to the authorities?
Hear an in-depth Halachic and legal analysis from renowned Rabbonim and lawyers

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