Rabbi Yitzchak Spivak

02/06/25 - SHIUR 501 (13,444 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Roommates – what are the major areas of conflict? Are there ways to resolve them?

What are the most common issues/controversies that come up between roommates?
Are there any halachic requirements to keep your place clean?
Do you violate Gezel Sheina when your alarm wakes up your roommate?
Can you borrow your roommates’ pots, books, pillow, toothpaste, etc. without permission?
What happens with the kitchen when roommates have different standards of Kashrus?

02/24/23 - SHIUR 409 (23,320 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Is there any reason to wear a HAT for davening anymore? Does a YARMULKE suffice? Why are only chasidim wearing GARTELS?

Is a Kippa enough for davening? For Kiddush and Bentching?
Do secular styles impact what we wear and the halacha?
What if your parents don’t want you to wear a hat?
What if your parents want the hat and you don’t?
Did Chasidish garb and the black stripes on our Taleisim come from the non-Jews?
Minyan without a hat or daven be’ye’chidus with the hat?
Should women wear hats for davening as well?

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