Dr. Shlomo Black

12/05/24 - SHIUR 493 (17,508 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

The new initiative to draft Chareidim into the army. Should Yeshiva boys draft into the all-Charedi “Chashmonaim” Brigade?

What are the arguments that there’s an obligation to serve in the IDF?
What are the arguments that there’s no obligation for someone learning Torah to join the army?
What if the person is not learning, but is working or doing something else?
What are the main challenges of a Chareidi boy/man joining the IDF?
Can those issues be fully addressed? What initiatives are currently under way to address the concerns?

08/08/24 - SHIUR 478 (21,054 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Extremism – What causes Chareidi extremism? Is it a bad thing? What about Hilltop Youth extremism against Arabs?

What causes someone to become an extremist?
Is extremism stronger now than 20-30 years ago?
Are there similarities between Chareidi extremism, the Hilltop Youths and Leftists against Chareidim?
If you don’t agree with a law, can you violate it?
Are there times when extremism is warranted?
Is being OTD another form of extremism? And are there ways to improve the system?

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