Genetics in Halacha; can we determine who is a Jew? Resolve mamzer cases? Be used in Beis Din?…
Genetics in Halacha; can we determine who is a Jew? Resolve mamzer cases? Be used in Beis Din?…
Genetic Testing in Halacha
How Much Should We Test For?
DNA & Kohain gene
Shailos including: Ben Pakuah Shechitah, Inviting non religious for shabbos if they will drive, Someone in kollel; Chiyuv to do Kiruv?, Contradictions between science and Chazal, Advertising on Frum blogs that post Loshon Hora, Motion detectors on Shabbos, AquaAdvantage salmon that has non kosher dna, Vaccinations in Halacha, The BRCA gene
The BRCA gene and Genetic testing – Understanding the halachic debate of Dor Yesharim Should we be testing for other genetic diseases for shidduchim and other relevant genetic debates in halacha