Money Matters

05/08/21 - SHIUR 321 (20,332 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Are there Halachic ways to eliminate debt?

Are there heterim to not repay debt?
What if it’s owed to a credit card company, bank or government, as opposed to a Jewish lender or gmach?
What must be disclosed when taking out a loan?
Is it better to learn in Kollel and incur debt, or to get a job?
Can a creditor force the debtor to sell his home and other assets?
Does halacha ever
cap the amount of debt we can incur? 

03/28/20 - SHIUR 265 (21,798 Downloads)

Contemporary Corona Halacha questions

Paying playgroups and tuitions, deposits on hotels for Pesach and chasunos, mikvah and tevilas keilim, taanis bechorim, mattir kitniyos, selling chametz gamur and over phone, autopsies, Milah and metzizah b’peh, being moser on those not following govt guidelines

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