06/26/19 - SHIUR 226 (19,594 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz Rabbis’ Sons Syndrome: Chessed and Kiruv at what cost? Speakers : Rabbi Boruch Oberlander, Rabbi Shay Schachter, Dr. David Pelcovitz Category : Chinuch, Kiruv, Rabbonim In Halacha and Hashkafah
07/14/18 - SHIUR 178 (16,406 Downloads) Hilchos kibbud Av Va’Eim: How much and when? Speakers : Rabbi Yitzchok Eizik Silver, Dr. Benzion Sorotzkin, Rabbi Yehuda Kelemer, Rabbi Yosef Viener Category : Kibbud Av V'Eim Dealing with abusive parents. Dealing with elderly parents. Must one spend money? When does a child not have to listen?