418 David Pelcovitz - Halacha Headlines

Dr. David Pelcovitz

02/01/24 - SHIUR 454 (25,988 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Raising unspoiled children in a spoiled world

How much should parents do for their children?
What are parents’ financial obligations to their children? Is there a maximum?
What causes a child to be spoiled?
Is it detrimental to grow up with less than your peers?
Do we need to treat all of our own children the same when buying them items?
What are the implications of having a spoiled child when they grow up?

12/04/21 - SHIUR 348 (26,562 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Why do some people lie, or cover up information, when being a shidduch reference? What happens when information is not disclosed and the couple gets married?

What needs to be disclosed (e.g., having a colorful background, health problems, addictions)?
When and by whom?
How should we respond to shidduch inquiries when asked?
Should references disclose everything? Can they lie?
Are people typically lax in disclosing?
Do certain segments of Judaism fail to disclose more than others?
Can things be patched up when problems are discovered after marriage?

07/11/20 - SHIUR 280 (6,042 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

“Women at Risk” and being married to someone “At Risk”

What could cause a woman to feel disconnected from Yiddisheit? How and why does “at risk” behavior happen?  Does a Rabbi or therapist need to tell the spouse? Does teaching Emunah help or is it risky? Is there a difference between married and single women? How to deal with at risk behavior halachically, hashkafically and psychologically? Is there any hope for Shalom Bayis?

04/13/20 - SHIUR 268 (26,766 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

“Adults at Risk” – How common is it? How do we deal with the issues?

What brings on “at risk” behavior? Once leaving Yeshivah, what can get someone off-track? Are schools to blame? Parents? Does teaching Emunah help or is it risky? Is there anything we can do to prevent adults at risk? 

02/04/17 - SHIUR 103 (4,556 Downloads)

Do we still love a child that has become an apikorus?, Secular studies in Mesivta – Chiyuv or Bitul Torah? | How happy and adjusted are children of single women who have elected to have a child via a sperm donor?

Is there unconditional love for child that’s an apikorus? Keep in the house or not?

Should a child prodigy go to secular studies in high school?

How happy and adjusted are children of single women who have elected to have a child via a sperm donor?

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