Vacation Archives - Halacha Headlines


08/11/23 - SHIUR 431 (24,066 Downloads)

Navigating the Halachic landscape of vacation

What can you buy in a store without a Hechsher?
Halachos of Cholov StamĀ 
Going mixed swimming with family
Taking a walk on the boardwalk
Sitting next to women on planes
Should you visit a Beis Hakvaros?
Are you allowed to Daven to the dead or just in the Zechus of the dead?
Can expectenat ladies go to a Beis Hakvaros?
Can a Kohein go to Kivrei Tzadikim?
Putting on a Tallis and Tefillin by Kivrei Tzadikim
And much more……

01/02/21 - SHIUR 304 (21,308 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

What Halachically is a good (or bad) use of our time?

What is Bitul Torah? What about Bitul Zeman? Do these concepts apply to women? Do they apply to: Shabbos naps, attending simchas, studying secular studies, listening to podcasts, watching sports, playing sports, visiting Gedolim, visiting kevarim, leisure activities, reading Gedolim biographies, and much more…

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