Yerusha Archives - Halacha Headlines


01/28/22 - SHIUR 356 (27,330 Downloads)

Who owns a yeshivah? Who owns a Shul?

Who owns the money of a Yeshivah?
Can a Rosh Yeshivah sell his Yeshivah in America and relocate the Yeshivah to Eretz Yisroel?
Does the administration have a right to pocket the money if the Yeshivah folds, or does the money have to be given to another Yeshivah ?
Does the donor get back his money or get to decide where the money goes?
Do the legal laws of nonprofits apply to Yeshivos – Dina d’Malchusa Dina?
Can a Rosh Yeshivah take a severance package? How much? Is 21 million dollars too much?
What happened by the dispute of the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s libary

10/09/21 - SHIUR 340 (22,996 Downloads)

The Sandwich Generation – Balancing taking care of elderly parents and children, Estate planning, Health Proxy

Should you take elderly parents in your home or place them in a nursing home?
Are you obligated to take care of your parents at the expense of your children?
Do you have to take off from work to tend a parent’s need?
When you’re taking care of a parent, are you exempt from all Mitzvos?
Is there a Chiyuv Kibbud Av to a comatose parent? 

02/15/20 - SHIUR 259 (25,330 Downloads)

Yerushah and Nepotism in our Mosdos Hatorah in Halacha, Hashkafah, and History

Should sons and sons in law be the Yoresh of a Chassidus, a Yeshiva, a Rabbanus, or should the Yoresh be the most qualified to replace? When did it change in our Yeshivos? What to do in a family business? Severance pay to children, and much more…

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