09/14/19 - SHIUR 237 (22,342 Downloads) Tefillah: Halachah, Machshavah and History | Uman, leaving Israel and home: Is that appropriate? Speakers : Rabbi Zev Leff, Rabbi Moshe Weinberger, Rabbi Yehoshua Hartman, Rabbi Yehuda Landi, Rabbi Aaron Lankry, Yosef Chaim Berenfeld Category : Elul, Rosh Hashana
09/15/18 - SHIUR 187 (11,396 Downloads) A Fascinating New Approach to the י”ג מדות של רחמים: How to Forgive Speakers : Rabbi YY Jacobson, Dr. David Pelcovitz, Rabbi Benzion Klatzko, Rabbi Binyomin Pruzansky Category : Elul Stories and Inspiration
09/08/18 - SHIUR 186 (9,162 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Yehoshua Pfeffer Navigating the Yomim Noraim – A New Approach Speakers : Rabbi Reuven Leuchter, Rabbi Yitzchok Feldheim Category : Elul How do we remain functional despite a justified fear? Can we grow from year to year even as our deeds stay the same? What is the thread that ties together Malchus, Shofar, and Din?