
08/01/24 - SHIUR 477 (23,498 Downloads)

Teaching our children about the dangers of camp (and life) | Lacetop Sheitels | Voting in Halacha

Teaching our children about the dangers of camp (and life)
Should you teach or them, or should you shield them from exposure?

Lacetop Sheitels in Halacha – Erase the Lace or Embrace the Lace?
Is it a new question or an age old Machlokes?

Voting In Halacha
Can you vote for a candidate that’s personally immoral?
Can you vote for a party that supports immoral values?
Can you vote for a party that’s anti Eretz Yisroel?

11/24/23 - SHIUR 444 (32,946 Downloads)

Rally or not to Rally? “Chazir Treif” or Kiddush Hashem

Was the Rally in Washington correct?
In Galus do we keep our heads low, or do we try to garner support?
Do we do Hishtadlus or just Daven?
Do we join in rallies with people who don’t have the same belief system as ours?
Historically, what was the approach of the Gedolim?

05/20/22 - SHIUR 371 (30,502 Downloads)

Roe v. Wade revisited – Should we be debating it? | Impacts made by individuals – Recollections from the lives of Harav Nota Greenblatt Zt”l & Reb Zecharia Wallerstein Zt”l

The Chafetz Chaim on debates with Apikorsim
Hear about the man who preserved Kedushas Yisroel for the last seventy years

The Shidduch initiative – A glimpse into the life of Reb Zecharia Wallerstein

02/25/22 - SHIUR 360 (21,006 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Pesach Lerner

An eye on Eretz Yisroel – Answer the call

The battles against Yiddishkeit that are going on, and how you can make a difference
The battle against the Kosel
Chizuk from his life and the life of his wife – giving over her last will and testament to Klal Yisroel with Jonathan Pollard
Join American Jewry in the battle – One Kosel Campaign
Preserving Har Hazeisim
On the political front
What was done, what’s being done and the goals for the future

10/17/20 - SHIUR 293 (19,084 Downloads)

Being in the Headlines – Did we forget we are in Galus?

Our communities response to Covid examined halachically:
Agudah: A remarkable change of decades of policy unnoticed by many
Lakewood: Is the Covid Vaads Psak that a shul is מגין ומציל and therefore no need for masks consistent with Halacha?
The multitudes of sick in Monroe: Is there a mitzvah of Hatzala to a community that exhibits reckless behavior?
Belz: Is it justified to risk lives of some to save lives of others?

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