
10/27/22 - SHIUR 392 (25,682 Downloads)

Mental Health in Halacha – Learn how to recognize it and deal with it

How does Halacha view mental health?
Can you be Mechalel Shabbos?
How do deal with OCD and Mitzvah observance?
When someone comes to therapy and is saying lashon Horah or talking bad about parents is that a problem? Especially when the therapist is encouraging it.
Can you tell an eating disorder patient to eat on Yom Kippur?
What to say when it comes to Shidduchim and you have privileged information?
And much more…

07/29/22 - SHIUR 381 (25,898 Downloads)

The Warsaw Ghetto – The Uprising: Was it Halachically sanctioned? Hear from the grandson of Reb Menachem Zemba’s lookout

The history of the ghetto
Is it a form of Kiddush Hashem to go down fighting rather than getting killed passively?
Are you allowed to resist when you technically won’t win: Is it a form of suicide?
Are you causing others to get killed?
The controversy surrounding Reb Menachem Zemba’s view
Are leaders obligated not to abandon their flock or do thet have to leave to save their lives?

01/07/22 - SHIUR 353 (52,448 Downloads)

Don’t waste a tragedy; Chaim Walder exposé and death

Is it true? Testimony from an independent 3rd party
Was Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu correct to expose CW or was his process flawed? Some of the halchik problems; Listening to testimony without the accused present, CW desire to go to another bes din, listening to עד מפי עד
Is there a problem of lashon hara or malbin pnai chavairo? Can the books be used?
Are rabbonim listening to the victims? Is the sympathy with the victims or the perpetrators?
Is Israeli society getting the message? Should a suicide get a mass funeral and nichum availim from the chief rabbi?

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