Yom Tov

10/10/24 - SHIUR 486 (22,696 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

What’s the role of a shul Rav during the Yomim Tovim? What are the most common and unusual questions being asked to our Rabbanim?

Are your responsibilities as a shul Rav any different during this time of year?
What questions are people asking you?
Is the war in Israel having an impact on you or your community?
What unusual incidents have happened in your shul during The Yomim Tovim?
What’s your favorite Devar Torah for Succos?

09/27/24 - SHIUR 485 (25,400 Downloads)

Are you allowed to take a shower on Yom Tov? | Are you allowed to give a donut to an obese person, and other fascinating shailos | Combating domestic abuse in our community

תכלה שנה עם קללותיה
Combating domestic abuse in our community

Showering us with Brocha
Three day Yom Tov – Are you allowed to take a shower on Yom Tov?

לא תעמוד על דם רעך
Are you allowed to give a donut to an obese person, and other fascinating shailos

09/04/21 - SHIUR 337 (20,022 Downloads)

Sukkos Part 1 – How to shop for the Daled Minim, How to make a Sukkah, The Mitzvah of sitting in a Sukkah

What to look for when buying an Esrog? What’s the minimum to be Yotzei and what’s a Hiddur? What’s the difference between the different types of Esrogim? What does the Hechsher on the Esrog box mean? and much more…

What to be careful about when making a Sukkah? What mats are Kosher for Schach? What to do if your mat rolled up on Yom Tov? Can you go on a trip to a place that doesn’t have a Sukkah? Is someone who’s sleeping obligated in the Mitzvah of Sukkah? and much more…

03/06/21 - SHIUR 313 (21,148 Downloads)

Pesach Hotels

The 8 Kashrus questions you must ask the mashgiach before  booking a hotel for Pesach, Does it take away from our childrens Pesach experience or is it a necessary break?, Is it over excessive Gashmius or Ruchniusdike inspiration, what can go wrong, and much more…

07/23/16 - SHIUR 75 (3,502 Downloads)

Shailos and Teshuvos with Rav Moshe Shternbuch

Can a pregnant woman who contracted the Zika virus abort?

Tzedakos that give promises for people who donate.

Grama switch on Yom Tov, is it permissible?

May one switch a shachan in middle of a shidduch? Which one does he have to pay?

Is it permitted for a man to wear a watch?

Is the murex the correct tcheilis? Should one wear it Msafeak?

Can a woman recite Kaddish from the ezras Nashim?

The status of DNA in Halachah.

Chizuk to children who have been molested.


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