Rabbi Nachum Eisenstein

04/05/24 - SHIUR 463 (23,380 Downloads)

Revisiting Bachurim in the IDF: Is Shevet Levi Patur from Milchemes Mitzvah? Are all Bochurim Shevet Levi?

Does Eretz Yisroel need an army or can it totally rely on Torah protection?
Do we have responsibility to serve – besides the learning protection – like we find previous generations?
The Bochurim who aren’t learning should they go to the army?
Can we have Frum battalions run according to Torah?
What’s are we going to do when the Chareidim are a majority?

10/27/23 - SHIUR 440 (24,186 Downloads)

Guns in Shuls | Burying the Kedoshim – Hear from the front lines

How are the Kedoshim being buried
Should we train people in every Shul to carry guns ?
Should there be armed security guards in Shuls and schools?
Are guns Muktza?
Are you allowed to carry a gun in a place that doesn’t have an Eruv?
Is it against the Torah hashkafa to carry a gun?
What message would carrying guns give over to children?
How do carry weapons in Shuls responsibly

08/18/23 - SHIUR 432 (26,632 Downloads)

Exclusivity or Community: The dilemma of school selection policies | The love of the Tosher Rebbe ZT”L

Is having discriminatory school acceptance policies Halachically allowed?
What damage are we doing to our children?
Do we have a communal obligation to accept all children into schools?
Is there a difference between a boys school and a girls school?
Can schools force people to accept upon themselves Chumros, in order that their kids should be accepted?
Can schools claim they hold themselves to certain standards, if they overlook these standards for affluent members of the community?
Is this the first time in history there was an elitist attitude?

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