152 Michoel Frank - Halacha Headlines

Rabbi Michoel Frank

07/28/23 - SHIUR 427 (33,124 Downloads)

Jewish Influencers: The Facts The Fears The Responsibilities

What responsibility does an influencer have to do due dilgience when endorsing a product or business deal?
If an influencer didn’t do due diligence and people suffered financial loss is the influencer responsible?
Not letting people know you’re getting paid for what you’re promoting is it גניבת דעת?
Are you allowed to push people to live beyond their means or become envious?
What responsibility does someone on social media have?
Are influencers a danger to the influence of Rabbonim?

11/14/20 - SHIUR 297 (29,788 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

How much (or little) should a husband help at home?

Halachically, does a husband need to help at all? Who needs to do the dishes, laundry and the like? What if the wife always needs help during his learning or work time? What if she’s a very needy person who should be handling more? What if he helps, but the wife doesn’t like the way he does things? What are healthy expectations for boys and girls getting into marriage? What if there’s a gap between expectations and reality?

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