Is there any Heter ever for taking one’s own life?
Terminal illness? Extreme poverty? Mafia chasing him?
How do we view someone who commits suicide due to mental health issues?
How do we prevent this tragedy?
Is there any Heter ever for taking one’s own life?
Terminal illness? Extreme poverty? Mafia chasing him?
How do we view someone who commits suicide due to mental health issues?
How do we prevent this tragedy?
The alcohol epidemic in our community, what are the repercussions?
If a person gets arrested due to a DUI incident is there a Mitzva of Pidyon Shevuim?
If a person gives alcohol to legal minors, can he be held culpable?
Can a person be held accountable for giving excess drinks to adults?
Can a persom who gives alcohol to legal minors be turned over to the authorities?
A person who endangers the public can he be turned over to the authorities?
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Dealing with Crisis in Halacha and Hashkafa
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