Mrs. Bella Beer

04/14/23 - SHIUR 415 (22,656 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Is it good or bad that many young men don’t have a “plan” for parnassah? Should they have one?

Should young men in yeshiva develop a plan for parnassa? If so, when?
Does having a parnassa plan also apply to those going into teaching and rabbanus?
Is “I want to learn” enough of a plan?
Does having a plan apply to young women?
Do girls in shidduchim ever ask “does he have a plan”?
Do boys in shidduchim ask: “does she have a plan for supporting a family” or “does her family have money”?

01/27/23 - SHIUR 405 (24,852 Downloads)

Whom should you marry?

How Makpid should we be on names in marriage (father in law and son in law with the same names etc)?
Can younger siblings get married before older siblings?
Marrying for money?
How important is the family (if there’s a sibling off the derech etc)?
Marrying into a family of Baalei Teshuvos?
Health in the family what do you have to divulge?
How should people be dating?
What common mistakes are they making?
How do you know if you are getting bad advice?

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