Dr. David Lieberman

01/10/25 - SHIUR 497 (15,026 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

“Gentle Parenting” is in, discipline is out – Should parents discipline their children, or is that only for prior generations?

How has parenting changed over time? What lessons do we learn from Tanach?
Should a parent discipline a child when the child will ignore the parent?
How does a parent stay calm when the kids are misbehaving and not listening?
What if the husband and wife are not on the same page when it comes to parenting?
Should kids be brought to shul if they won’t behave? Can you discipline someone else’s child in shul?

10/19/22 - SHIUR 391 (21,048 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Do we need to be a shmata when dealing with difficult people?

What are some strategies and tactics for dealing with difficult people?
Can you reciprocate the negativity?
What if it’s your boss, Rabbi, Rosh Yeshiva or spouse?
When does the prohibition of hating someone apply? What if he earned the hatred? 
Do people get crankier when they get older?
How can someone tell if they are a difficult person?


Rabbi Elyada Goldvicht – Upcoming Semichas Chaver Events
NY and Baltimore event
Florida event

07/08/22 - SHIUR 378 (24,416 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

What should a wife do if she simply has had it with her husband? Plus, revisiting the “Surrendered Wife” and responding to those who complained about the earlier show

Are friends a replacement for a therapist?
What’s appropriate to discuss with friends, and what’s not?
How should a wife handle when her husband lives a lifestyle she does not approve of?
How should the husband handle his wife “being on his case”?
Can a non-Jewish book be used for Shalom Bayis?
Is there a Torah hashkafa in how to handle Shalom Bayis issues?
What if the wife is the problem?

05/07/22 - SHIUR 369 (31,136 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

What makes a successful marriage? What are common mistakes that should be avoided?

What’s the most important ingredient to have a successful marriage?
What are significant issues that are easy to resolve? What are some common mistakes that spouses make?
What can boys and girls in Shidduchim – or even earlier – do to prepare for a successful marriage?
What should be done when a couple hits turbulence during marriage?
How to handle disagreements over: money, having additional children, conflicting minhagim, where to send kids to school and more

11/14/20 - SHIUR 297 (29,804 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

How much (or little) should a husband help at home?

Halachically, does a husband need to help at all? Who needs to do the dishes, laundry and the like? What if the wife always needs help during his learning or work time? What if she’s a very needy person who should be handling more? What if he helps, but the wife doesn’t like the way he does things? What are healthy expectations for boys and girls getting into marriage? What if there’s a gap between expectations and reality?

10/24/20 - SHIUR 294 (17,602 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Police and Police Enforcement; what if it’s discriminatory

Is sticking up for our rights a Kiddush HaShem or Chilul HaShem? Is holding a protest the right way? Do we need to strictly comply with secular law, or is there flexibility? What if the enforcement of the laws is discriminatory against observant Jews? What if we disagree with the laws? What if the laws close down our yeshivos, shuls and weddings?

10/06/18 - SHIUR 189 (14,502 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Yehoshua Pfeffer

Psychology vs. Torah Hashkafah – Does it Shtim? 3 Professional Views

Are the values of modern psychology incompatible with Torah values? Should we study psychology at secular academic institutions, and rely on therapists who were trained there? What are some specific areas of conflict? How should we look at the entry of the psychological discipline into our communities and institutions?

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