Using a whoop strap or a Fitbit
What is the issur of electricity?
Is there an Issur of increasing current to exisitng electricity?
What’s called a מעשה regarding מלאכת שבת?
Binyan in Keilim
Using a whoop strap or a Fitbit
What is the issur of electricity?
Is there an Issur of increasing current to exisitng electricity?
What’s called a מעשה regarding מלאכת שבת?
Binyan in Keilim
The most popular Shavuos night program in the world
What are the issues with the Shabbos elevator?
Is it a halachic shayla of a Hashkafic Shayla?
What switched now?
If a Rov makes a mistake in Psak does he have to pay?
What if he retracts his Psak due to Haskafic considerations?
Can cameras be used for Hashgachos / Cholov Yisrael?
Do we still need on site Mashgiachim?
Security cameras around homes and shuls; does it create a problem entering / walking by on Shabbos?
Can you use a camera to monitor an elderly parent who’s in quarantine / in the hospital on Shabbos?
Can you use a nanny cam or baby monitor on Shabbos?
Muktzah, Hotza’ah, Women, Kovod Beis Haknesses, Correct to arm our communities, does it help?
Amazing story from Rabbi of Poway Chabad
Halachic Applications of Amazon Echo and Similar New Technologies
How to Raise our Children to be Talmidei Chachomim
Rerun from previous shows about appliances on Shabbos and Yom Tov
Refrigerators and Ovens on Shabbos