Dr. Rivka Schwartz

10/30/24 - SHIUR 487 (19,852 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Should Rabbanim be teaching girls and women?

What are the pros and cons of a man teaching girls/women?
If a Rav teaches girls/women, should there be a Mechitza? What if the Rav is not married?
Can/should a Rav call female students by first name or a nickname?
What Gedarim should a Rav institute for himself when teaching girls/women?
How does the relationship a Rebbe has with his male students compare to that of his female students?
Are there topics that women should not be teaching, like Halachah?

09/12/24 - SHIUR 483 (18,642 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Do women have a Yeitzer Hara? Does Shmiras Einayim also apply to girls and women? Or, is it only a male problem?

Are the Halachos of Shmiras Einayim more lenient for women than for men, and if so, why?
What’s the big deal about having thoughts, if they are only thoughts?
Is it permitted for a woman to gaze at men?
How – and from what age – should we educate our girls to stay away from inappropriate materials?
Practically speaking, are the schools seeing this Shmiras Einayim problems in the girls?

12/22/22 - SHIUR 400 (18,388 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Drug and alcohol use in our high schools – how big a problem is it? What can be done?

Is there something halachically wrong with using drugs? Alcohol? Vaping?
Can you tell on a classmate who is using drugs or alcohol?
What are the trends of drug and alcohol use in our high schools?
How are teenagers able to afford and access drugs?
Are we better – or worse – than secular society?
What can be done by parents and the schools?

05/20/22 - SHIUR 371 (30,516 Downloads)

Roe v. Wade revisited – Should we be debating it? | Impacts made by individuals – Recollections from the lives of Harav Nota Greenblatt Zt”l & Reb Zecharia Wallerstein Zt”l

The Chafetz Chaim on debates with Apikorsim
Hear about the man who preserved Kedushas Yisroel for the last seventy years

The Shidduch initiative – A glimpse into the life of Reb Zecharia Wallerstein

07/11/20 - SHIUR 280 (6,068 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

“Women at Risk” and being married to someone “At Risk”

What could cause a woman to feel disconnected from Yiddisheit? How and why does “at risk” behavior happen?  Does a Rabbi or therapist need to tell the spouse? Does teaching Emunah help or is it risky? Is there a difference between married and single women? How to deal with at risk behavior halachically, hashkafically and psychologically? Is there any hope for Shalom Bayis?

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