Rabbi Shay Tahan

04/05/24 - SHIUR 463 (23,392 Downloads)

Revisiting Bachurim in the IDF: Is Shevet Levi Patur from Milchemes Mitzvah? Are all Bochurim Shevet Levi?

Does Eretz Yisroel need an army or can it totally rely on Torah protection?
Do we have responsibility to serve – besides the learning protection – like we find previous generations?
The Bochurim who aren’t learning should they go to the army?
Can we have Frum battalions run according to Torah?
What’s are we going to do when the Chareidim are a majority?

06/16/23 - SHIUR 423 (24,746 Downloads)

Subway Chokehold – Daniel Penny VS Jordan Neely through the lense of Halacha | AI Paskening II

Overreacting in self defense, is it Muttar?
Do you have have to try to be מציל באחד מאבריו when someone’s attacking you?
When unsure if someone is attacking what can you do to protect youself?
(ספק רודף)
Self defense against people who are mentally unstable – does a שוטה have a din of a rodef?
Are you חייב מיתה if you kill a שוטה?
What preventive measures can you take to protect yourself from being harmed?

03/03/23 - SHIUR 410 (22,262 Downloads)

What are the Halachos of a Halachic State? What happens if the government in Eretz Yisroel is run by Frum Yidden?

Would everything be run according to Shulchan Aruch?
What about the things that according to Shulchan Aruch Beis Din can’t enforce nowadays?
How do we deter people who steal if they get caught all they’ll have to do is return the theft?
Is there a concept of jail for monetary damage?
What if there’s no two kosher witnesses or no witnesses at all?
Being that there’s no capital punishment nowadays, what would do to murderers?
What would be done regarding all electricity on Shabbos?
How do you run a government on Shabbos?
How do you run a police force or army on Shabbos?
How do you run hospitals on Shabbos?

06/24/22 - SHIUR 376 (26,906 Downloads)

Mechitzas – When do we need one? + Music Part III (a supplement to the previous Shiurim)

Simchas:  Chupa, Chasuna, Sheva Brochos Do any of them need a Mechitza?
Does a concert need to have a Mechitza or is mixed seating/family seating allowed?
Why is a Mechitza not mentioned in Shulchan Aruch The only Charedi Yeshivah that has a music room

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