Rabbi Daniel Yaakov Travis

07/22/22 - SHIUR 380 (28,058 Downloads)

The Halachic Challenges of living at home with a non-religious child or spouse

If your spouse is irreligious, can she trusted to say she went to the Mikvah?
Can you allow your son to stay in your house if he insists on staying there with his girlfriend?
Can you eat from the food they bring you?
Do you have to be afraid they’ll make your oven, microwave, and dishes Treif?
If they cook is it Bishul Acu”m?
If they touch wine does it become Yayin Nesech?
Can you give them food and drink if they won’t wash their hands or make a Brocha?
Are they מצטרפף לזימון ?
What happens if they bring Chametz into your house on Pesach?
If the air conditioner shuts off on Shabbos and they turn it on do you have to leave the house?
If they turn on a light on Shabbos can you use that room?

12/04/21 - SHIUR 348 (26,600 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Why do some people lie, or cover up information, when being a shidduch reference? What happens when information is not disclosed and the couple gets married?

What needs to be disclosed (e.g., having a colorful background, health problems, addictions)?
When and by whom?
How should we respond to shidduch inquiries when asked?
Should references disclose everything? Can they lie?
Are people typically lax in disclosing?
Do certain segments of Judaism fail to disclose more than others?
Can things be patched up when problems are discovered after marriage?

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