Is it permitted to report non compliance to Covid regulations?
Someone beating their spouse?
Reckless driving? ….
Monologue discussion;
Is the Yateds’ reporting responsible?
Is it permitted to report non compliance to Covid regulations?
Someone beating their spouse?
Reckless driving? ….
Monologue discussion;
Is the Yateds’ reporting responsible?
Paying playgroups and tuitions, deposits on hotels for Pesach and chasunos, mikvah and tevilas keilim, taanis bechorim, mattir kitniyos, selling chametz gamur and over phone, autopsies, Milah and metzizah b’peh, being moser on those not following govt guidelines
Minyan, mikvah, maaros, yotzei over phone, mesirah, rodeph, medical precedence, messages HKB”H is sending us, and much more…
Mesira today
Can you report someone to the authorities?
After the Shofar, the Silent Cry in our Community, hear from Rabbonim and abuse survivors
Can we ostracize criminals [that caused great Chilul Hashem] and their families?
Is collective punishment permissible according to Halachah?
Is collateral punishment permissible?
Victims and Prevention Part 2
Victims, Prevention, and Dealing with criminals in our midst Part 1
Dealing with kids in crisis
Priorities in Tzedakah; your childrens Rabbeim
Dealing with Crisis in Halacha and Hashkafa
Reporting a Molester to the Police
The Kosher Switch
Going to secular court (is it ever permitted?)