Politics Archives - Halacha Headlines


03/13/21 - SHIUR 314 (19,056 Downloads)

Governor Cuomo Scandal – How does the Torah view allegations

Balancing protecting from the predator to protecting the reputation of the accused, Should the jewish media be reporting offenders to make awareness? Are allegations to be believed if they can be poliitcally motivated?
The Ne’emanus of women, Are offenders habitual?, and much more…

02/13/21 - SHIUR 310 (21,344 Downloads)

Jewish Media

What is role of Jewish media in the frum world today? Has their influence usurped the Rabbonim? What is the red line for crass consumerism? Are they making the singers and musician into Jewish celebrities? Is it their job to stay politically neutral or can they slant their opinions? and much more…

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