Torah Archives - Halacha Headlines


02/02/23 - SHIUR 406 (18,232 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Is Kovea Ittim only for the wealthy and brilliant?

What gets people to stick with their learning after many years?
What’s a valid reason to miss your Kevius?
Does someone who gets paid for learning or teaching additionally need to be Kovea Ittim?
Can the Kevius change over time, like when more children are born?
What if a wife needs her husband during his learning?
Do you need to lose business/clients as a result of your learning?
Should you answer calls from clients or your boss during learning?

09/19/22 - SHIUR 388 (19,222 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Quick Retirements – Should it be our goal to retire as quickly as possible? Is retirement a good idea?

Do you need to stop working when you have enough money to learn full time?
How should a wife handle the husband being around? What’s the impact on the children?
What happens when the husband traifs up the kitchen preparing his own lunch?
How much money do you need to save to retire?
When do you need to start planning for it?
What’s the impact of retirement on our health and memory?

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