Workplace Archives - Halacha Headlines


01/12/23 - SHIUR 403 (17,578 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Does yeshiva prepare us for life-after-yeshiva? Should it?

What preparation is necessary to leave yeshiva/kollel and start working?
What skills do yeshiva graduates say would be helpful?
What should a yeshiva consider as its goals and responsibilities towards it’s talmidim?
How do you decide on an occupation?
Should you study a trade or go straight into business?
What are the primary challenges we need to be ready for nowadays?

03/12/22 - SHIUR 363 (33,772 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Tznius for men – skin-tight pants, bicycle clothing, blue shirts, colorful socks and more

Why do women get hammered to dress modestly, while some men walk around with tight shorts and tank tops?
What about super tight-fitting pants?
White shirts vs. blue shirts?
No socks? Colorful socks?
Tight-fitting bike clothing?
How do standards change over time?
What about other areas of Tznius?
Living above your means? Driving a car you can’t afford?

09/21/19 - SHIUR 238 (20,332 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Financial challenges of the workplace, and how to stay out of the “headlines”

Does the employer or employee get to keep the frequent flyer miles, is bathroom time on the clock, how sick do you need to be to take a “sick day,” taking personal calls on company time, using the company printer, and much more…

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