
09/10/16 - SHIUR 82 (2,988 Downloads)

Shailos and Teshuvos with Rabbi Avigdor Nebenzahl

Exchanging terrorists for a solider- The Gilad Shalit deal

Going up to the Har Habayis

Women of the Wall

Women saying Kaddish

Video cameras on Shabbos

Burial in Eretz Yisroel

Havdalah and Amein over the telephone

Webcam- Does it solve Yichud and Cholov Yisroel

Going to Uman for Rosh Hashana

Kollel vs. Kiruv

When’s it time to leave Kollel

Treating wounded terrorists

Killing a terrorist where others will get killed with him

07/23/16 - SHIUR 75 (3,494 Downloads)

Shailos and Teshuvos with Rav Moshe Shternbuch

Can a pregnant woman who contracted the Zika virus abort?

Tzedakos that give promises for people who donate.

Grama switch on Yom Tov, is it permissible?

May one switch a shachan in middle of a shidduch? Which one does he have to pay?

Is it permitted for a man to wear a watch?

Is the murex the correct tcheilis? Should one wear it Msafeak?

Can a woman recite Kaddish from the ezras Nashim?

The status of DNA in Halachah.

Chizuk to children who have been molested.


02/20/16 - SHIUR 57 (2,722 Downloads)

Shailos V’teshuvos with Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch

Shailos including: Ben Pakuah Shechitah, Inviting non religious for shabbos if they will drive, Someone in kollel; Chiyuv to do Kiruv?, Contradictions between science and Chazal, Advertising on Frum blogs that post Loshon Hora, Motion detectors on Shabbos, AquaAdvantage salmon that has non kosher dna, Vaccinations in Halacha, The BRCA gene

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