360 Elisheva Liss - Halacha Headlines

Mrs. Elisheva Liss

09/12/24 - SHIUR 483 (17,966 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Do women have a Yeitzer Hara? Does Shmiras Einayim also apply to girls and women? Or, is it only a male problem?

Are the Halachos of Shmiras Einayim more lenient for women than for men, and if so, why?
What’s the big deal about having thoughts, if they are only thoughts?
Is it permitted for a woman to gaze at men?
How – and from what age – should we educate our girls to stay away from inappropriate materials?
Practically speaking, are the schools seeing this Shmiras Einayim problems in the girls?

06/27/24 - SHIUR 472 (19,306 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

What Happens to Kids When Parents Fight

When does conversation between parents go from “discussing difficult issues” to being offensive and prohibited speech?
Should parents avoid all conflict in front of their children?
If there is ongoing tension between parents, should they attempt to hide it from the children?
What’s the impact of bad Shalom Bayis on children?
How should children handle when parents regularly fight?

02/01/24 - SHIUR 454 (25,988 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Raising unspoiled children in a spoiled world

How much should parents do for their children?
What are parents’ financial obligations to their children? Is there a maximum?
What causes a child to be spoiled?
Is it detrimental to grow up with less than your peers?
Do we need to treat all of our own children the same when buying them items?
What are the implications of having a spoiled child when they grow up?

04/14/23 - SHIUR 415 (22,604 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Is it good or bad that many young men don’t have a “plan” for parnassah? Should they have one?

Should young men in yeshiva develop a plan for parnassa? If so, when?
Does having a parnassa plan also apply to those going into teaching and rabbanus?
Is “I want to learn” enough of a plan?
Does having a plan apply to young women?
Do girls in shidduchim ever ask “does he have a plan”?
Do boys in shidduchim ask: “does she have a plan for supporting a family” or “does her family have money”?

05/26/22 - SHIUR 372 (33,966 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Is tznius dressing all about insuring the men don’t look? Does overly strict enforcement in schools cause trauma for years to come?

Should a man/Rabbi teach tznius to girls?
Is it true that “Tzinus for women is just like Torah learning for men”?
What are the consequences of tznius PTSD on the girl, her family and her Avodas HaShem?
What’s the impact of social media and frum print media on how girls and women dress?
What are we doing right? What are we doing wrong? How can we improve?

12/04/21 - SHIUR 348 (26,562 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Why do some people lie, or cover up information, when being a shidduch reference? What happens when information is not disclosed and the couple gets married?

What needs to be disclosed (e.g., having a colorful background, health problems, addictions)?
When and by whom?
How should we respond to shidduch inquiries when asked?
Should references disclose everything? Can they lie?
Are people typically lax in disclosing?
Do certain segments of Judaism fail to disclose more than others?
Can things be patched up when problems are discovered after marriage?

11/23/19 - SHIUR 247 (28,244 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

“Broken Engagements” in Halachah, Hashkafah and Psychology

Why are there so many broken engagements nowadays? How can they be avoided? Does the one who breaks the shidduch get penalized? Do the ring, sheitel and other gifts need to be returned? Who pays the costs which were committed to (wedding hall, photographer, band, make-up artist)? Does the Shadchan need to return the Shadchanus?

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