Rabbi Meyer Twersky

03/28/25 - SHIUR 507 (7,084 Downloads)

The YU Settlement: Does the Torah agree to it? | How to prevent children from being left in cars

What is it?
Does the Torah agree to it?
Can we have groups in our yeshivos that we are forced to have or is it better to close down?
Do ends justify the means? Joining up with Ovrei Aveira
Is it diffrent than sitting on the Knesset or the WZO?
Should we have public forums talking about our Yetzer Hora?

02/27/25 - SHIUR 504 (17,340 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Hamas’ (and Iran’s) depravity – when our enemies know no limits: Should We? Do we need to act morally when dealing with an immoral enemy?

What does Hamas hope to accomplish with their psychological warfare?
Should we be swapping live Hamas terrorists for the bodies of captives?
Does international law or world opinion halachically govern how the IDF acts?
Do the Laws of War (e.g., avoid non-combatants) mean that you can never use a weapon of mass destruction?

You can pre-order “Halachic Q & A on the Job” at https://mosaicapress.com/product/halachic-q-a-on-the-job/

08/03/23 - SHIUR 430 (31,338 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

LGBTQ+ and “Pride Parades” – How is it impacting us? Should we explain it to our children?

How should I react when the “Pride Parade” goes by my home in Yerushalayim?
How should I explain the rainbow flag to my 10-year-old?
Are we being influenced by secular values? If so, how are we seeing those influences?
How do we strengthen our own values?
Is being active in the rainbow movement worse than Chilul Shabbos?
Is it a chilul Hashem to go against the “enlightened” values of secular society?

06/19/21 - SHIUR 327 (36,724 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Female Rabbis – A problem of Halacha, Mesorah, or even worse?

Is there a problem with giving “semicha” to a woman?
Can a woman be a shul or community rabbi?
Can a shul with a woman rabbi call itself “orthodox”?
What if she’s called Rabbah, Maharat, etc. instead of being called “Rabbi”?
What’s the line between what’s acceptable and what’s not?
Can a woman pasken shaylos?

02/06/21 - SHIUR 309 (26,356 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

The Torah view of Alternative lifestyles, Liberalism, and Progressivism

Which liberal and progressive ideas conflict with the Torah? How should Jewish institutions handle LGBT pressures by a member? How does the secular view of sexuality compare to that of the Torah? Should we educate our children about these issues, or keep silent? Should someone with these beliefs and/or practices be distanced? Not given an Aliya?

10/24/20 - SHIUR 294 (17,602 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Police and Police Enforcement; what if it’s discriminatory

Is sticking up for our rights a Kiddush HaShem or Chilul HaShem? Is holding a protest the right way? Do we need to strictly comply with secular law, or is there flexibility? What if the enforcement of the laws is discriminatory against observant Jews? What if we disagree with the laws? What if the laws close down our yeshivos, shuls and weddings?

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