Rabbi Moshe Walter

12/26/24 - SHIUR 495 (18,656 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

How should we behave in Galus? Should we try to blend in and keep a low profile?

What did Gedolei Yisrael say about this and how did they behave?
Should Menorah be lit in public? Should a yarmulka be worn at work?
Should we wear black hats, shtreimels and other identifying marks?
Wear talis and tefillin while walking to shul? Build a Succah in a public area?
Should we remove Jewish and Israel references from our resumes when trying to get a job?
What are the biggest religious struggles in the workplace and what is most damaging to a Ben Torah?

07/25/24 - SHIUR 476 (22,648 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

What should we think about – and what should we teach our children about – non-Jews and the non-Jewish world?

Do all non-Jews hate us?
Does exposure to the non-Jewish world help or hurt our children when they grow up?
What are the hazards of teaching children negative attitudes about non-Jews?
What separations did Chazal institute between us and non-Jews? Why did Chazal feel that was necessary?
Do we need to be concerned with causing “Aivah” (animosity) with non-Jews, even if we are doing nothing wrong?

05/16/24 - SHIUR 467 (22,774 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Un-Lavish Living – why are we embarrassed to live below our means?

What keeps us spending when we can’t afford it?
What’s the impact on children when parents have an expensive standard of living?
Is there an obligation to refrain from looking at materialism which may tempt us?
Can we spend on luxuries when people need tzedakah?
What are the minimums required to celebrate a bar/bas mitzvah and a wedding?
Can having a low-budget bar/bas mitzvah or wedding hurt our children longer-term?

03/21/24 - SHIUR 461 (21,360 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Everyone should be a shadchan – how to set up a shidduch

Should each of us be setting up Shidduchim?
What are the biggest challenges and difficulties?
Is the “shadchanus” fee only paid to a professional Shadchan, or even to beginners?
What does the Shadchan need to do to earn the fee?
Can you set up two non-observant Jews? One frum and one not frum? Two non-Jews?
What advice do professional Shadchanim have for amateurs?

02/24/23 - SHIUR 409 (23,320 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Is there any reason to wear a HAT for davening anymore? Does a YARMULKE suffice? Why are only chasidim wearing GARTELS?

Is a Kippa enough for davening? For Kiddush and Bentching?
Do secular styles impact what we wear and the halacha?
What if your parents don’t want you to wear a hat?
What if your parents want the hat and you don’t?
Did Chasidish garb and the black stripes on our Taleisim come from the non-Jews?
Minyan without a hat or daven be’ye’chidus with the hat?
Should women wear hats for davening as well?

02/11/22 - SHIUR 358 (44,272 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Lavish Living, private planes and extravagance; flaunting wealth and building larger homes than others in your community – what’s okay and what’s not?

“Boys only” vacations, female personal trainers for men
“Business trips” to Vegas and Atlantic City
Conventions and conferences away from home
Earning quick money from loan sharking and other unclean sources
Can a wife trust her husband when he travels

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