
02/20/25 - SHIUR 503 (16,408 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

“Recharging Ambition”: How We Can Inspire an Un-Motivated Generation

Is it stealing from your Kollel or employer if you regularly come late?
How hard do you need to work on the job?
Can you take personal phone calls, check the news, order your groceries, etc. while on the clock?
Does this impact Shalom Bayis, divorce rates, shmiras ha’mitzvos and hasmada in Torah learning?
How do we motivate those who don’t have motivation?

You can pre-order “Halachic Q & A on the Job” at

01/10/25 - SHIUR 497 (15,088 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

“Gentle Parenting” is in, discipline is out – Should parents discipline their children, or is that only for prior generations?

How has parenting changed over time? What lessons do we learn from Tanach?
Should a parent discipline a child when the child will ignore the parent?
How does a parent stay calm when the kids are misbehaving and not listening?
What if the husband and wife are not on the same page when it comes to parenting?
Should kids be brought to shul if they won’t behave? Can you discipline someone else’s child in shul?

12/19/24 - SHIUR 494 (15,018 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

How to not lose our children – and ourselves – to peer pressure

How can a child withstand peer pressure
Why do some kids give in easily to peer pressure and others don’t
How should parents educate their children to withstand peer pressure
What are the most common peer pressures in our yeshivos and girls’ schools
Why do kids and teens involved in bad behaviors want to get their peers to join them
Are we obligated to avoid negative influences and make Gedarim for ourselves

08/01/24 - SHIUR 477 (23,524 Downloads)

Teaching our children about the dangers of camp (and life) | Lacetop Sheitels | Voting in Halacha

Teaching our children about the dangers of camp (and life)
Should you teach or them, or should you shield them from exposure?

Lacetop Sheitels in Halacha – Erase the Lace or Embrace the Lace?
Is it a new question or an age old Machlokes?

Voting In Halacha
Can you vote for a candidate that’s personally immoral?
Can you vote for a party that supports immoral values?
Can you vote for a party that’s anti Eretz Yisroel?

02/01/24 - SHIUR 454 (26,044 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Raising unspoiled children in a spoiled world

How much should parents do for their children?
What are parents’ financial obligations to their children? Is there a maximum?
What causes a child to be spoiled?
Is it detrimental to grow up with less than your peers?
Do we need to treat all of our own children the same when buying them items?
What are the implications of having a spoiled child when they grow up?

08/04/22 - SHIUR 382 (16,732 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Parenting – What makes “successful” children? What are common mistakes which should be avoided?

What are the most important character traits we should teach our children?
What’s the main challenge in raising children?
How do we teach kids how to wake up, and generally be independent?
How about to be compassionate and caring people?
How has parenting changed over the past 30 years?

06/16/22 - SHIUR 375 (25,508 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

“Off MY Derech” (but still “On THE Derech”) – When children turn out more observant – or less observant – than their parents had hoped

What are the major areas of tension between parents and children regarding religious observance?
How should the issues be handled by both parent and child?
Are there differences between baalei tshuvah, modern orthodox and yeshivish in this regard?
Does Kibud Av Ve’eim mean that the child needs to fulfill the desires of the parents, even when the child disagrees?
Must children eat by parents when the children have stricter standards of Kashrus?
Can parents eat by children who have laxer standards?

04/25/20 - SHIUR 269 (19,910 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Avrohom Kahan

Divorces and Parent Alienation: What’s the Halacha and Hashkafic Approach

How should a person deal with deal with parental alienation? What mistakes are being made? Divorce in the frum community, protecting the children, Bais Din vs. secular court

02/04/17 - SHIUR 103 (4,572 Downloads)

Do we still love a child that has become an apikorus?, Secular studies in Mesivta – Chiyuv or Bitul Torah? | How happy and adjusted are children of single women who have elected to have a child via a sperm donor?

Is there unconditional love for child that’s an apikorus? Keep in the house or not?

Should a child prodigy go to secular studies in high school?

How happy and adjusted are children of single women who have elected to have a child via a sperm donor?

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