
08/01/24 - SHIUR 477 (23,524 Downloads)

Teaching our children about the dangers of camp (and life) | Lacetop Sheitels | Voting in Halacha

Teaching our children about the dangers of camp (and life)
Should you teach or them, or should you shield them from exposure?

Lacetop Sheitels in Halacha – Erase the Lace or Embrace the Lace?
Is it a new question or an age old Machlokes?

Voting In Halacha
Can you vote for a candidate that’s personally immoral?
Can you vote for a party that supports immoral values?
Can you vote for a party that’s anti Eretz Yisroel?

12/30/22 - SHIUR 401 (23,860 Downloads)

To discuss or not to discuss – That is the Question

Should Headlines have Shiurim on sensitive issues?
Is it better to educate the public, or is it exposing Bochurim and others to things that they shouldn’t be exposed to?
Is it a lack of Tznius to discuss certain topics in public?
Is there a way to balance Tznius VS public awareness?
Does discussing certain issues promote wrong ideas?
Is it Loshon Horah to publicize allegations against a specific person or is it הצלת נפשות?
Should magazines and newspapers be running ads on these sensitive issues?

12/02/22 - SHIUR 397 (22,194 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Abuse and Abuse Coverups in Our Communities

Should a Rabbi meet in his office with a woman?
What’s enough proof to start warning other women? Do recordings suffice?
When do we go to the police?
When do we keep abuse quiet and when do we publicize the dangers?
What’s going on in the head of an abuser? Is he not worried about getting caught?
Why would followers of a Rabbi coverup his abuses?

01/07/22 - SHIUR 353 (52,448 Downloads)

Don’t waste a tragedy; Chaim Walder exposé and death

Is it true? Testimony from an independent 3rd party
Was Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu correct to expose CW or was his process flawed? Some of the halchik problems; Listening to testimony without the accused present, CW desire to go to another bes din, listening to עד מפי עד
Is there a problem of lashon hara or malbin pnai chavairo? Can the books be used?
Are rabbonim listening to the victims? Is the sympathy with the victims or the perpetrators?
Is Israeli society getting the message? Should a suicide get a mass funeral and nichum availim from the chief rabbi?

03/13/21 - SHIUR 314 (19,064 Downloads)

Governor Cuomo Scandal – How does the Torah view allegations

Balancing protecting from the predator to protecting the reputation of the accused, Should the jewish media be reporting offenders to make awareness? Are allegations to be believed if they can be poliitcally motivated?
The Ne’emanus of women, Are offenders habitual?, and much more…

07/23/16 - SHIUR 75 (3,502 Downloads)

Shailos and Teshuvos with Rav Moshe Shternbuch

Can a pregnant woman who contracted the Zika virus abort?

Tzedakos that give promises for people who donate.

Grama switch on Yom Tov, is it permissible?

May one switch a shachan in middle of a shidduch? Which one does he have to pay?

Is it permitted for a man to wear a watch?

Is the murex the correct tcheilis? Should one wear it Msafeak?

Can a woman recite Kaddish from the ezras Nashim?

The status of DNA in Halachah.

Chizuk to children who have been molested.


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