03/28/24 - SHIUR 462 (23,152 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

What are our “Yeshiva bochers” struggling with nowadays?

What are the biggest challenges, struggles and difficulties confronting our boys today?
How do those challenges differ from those of the girls?
What impact are technology and alcohol consumption having on the boys?
Should Gemara be the focus of yeshiva learning?
What’s holding the boys back from performing at their best?

02/29/24 - SHIUR 458 (25,850 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Frum on the outside and empty on the inside – why are some of our best girls struggling with Yiddishkite?

What are the biggest challenges, struggles and difficulties confronting our girls today?
How have things changed over the years?
Should money be given to children if they will use it for the wrong purposes?
What’s the impact that technology/smartphones/social media is having on the girls?
What solutions do we have to inspire girls today?

08/04/22 - SHIUR 382 (16,730 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Parenting – What makes “successful” children? What are common mistakes which should be avoided?

What are the most important character traits we should teach our children?
What’s the main challenge in raising children?
How do we teach kids how to wake up, and generally be independent?
How about to be compassionate and caring people?
How has parenting changed over the past 30 years?

07/22/22 - SHIUR 380 (28,060 Downloads)

The Halachic Challenges of living at home with a non-religious child or spouse

If your spouse is irreligious, can she trusted to say she went to the Mikvah?
Can you allow your son to stay in your house if he insists on staying there with his girlfriend?
Can you eat from the food they bring you?
Do you have to be afraid they’ll make your oven, microwave, and dishes Treif?
If they cook is it Bishul Acu”m?
If they touch wine does it become Yayin Nesech?
Can you give them food and drink if they won’t wash their hands or make a Brocha?
Are they מצטרפף לזימון ?
What happens if they bring Chametz into your house on Pesach?
If the air conditioner shuts off on Shabbos and they turn it on do you have to leave the house?
If they turn on a light on Shabbos can you use that room?

06/16/22 - SHIUR 375 (25,498 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

“Off MY Derech” (but still “On THE Derech”) – When children turn out more observant – or less observant – than their parents had hoped

What are the major areas of tension between parents and children regarding religious observance?
How should the issues be handled by both parent and child?
Are there differences between baalei tshuvah, modern orthodox and yeshivish in this regard?
Does Kibud Av Ve’eim mean that the child needs to fulfill the desires of the parents, even when the child disagrees?
Must children eat by parents when the children have stricter standards of Kashrus?
Can parents eat by children who have laxer standards?

07/11/20 - SHIUR 280 (6,048 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

“Women at Risk” and being married to someone “At Risk”

What could cause a woman to feel disconnected from Yiddisheit? How and why does “at risk” behavior happen?  Does a Rabbi or therapist need to tell the spouse? Does teaching Emunah help or is it risky? Is there a difference between married and single women? How to deal with at risk behavior halachically, hashkafically and psychologically? Is there any hope for Shalom Bayis?

04/13/20 - SHIUR 268 (26,792 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

“Adults at Risk” – How common is it? How do we deal with the issues?

What brings on “at risk” behavior? Once leaving Yeshivah, what can get someone off-track? Are schools to blame? Parents? Does teaching Emunah help or is it risky? Is there anything we can do to prevent adults at risk? 

02/29/20 - SHIUR 261 (26,616 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Should a student ever be expelled from school?

What are valid reasons to expel a student?  Doing drugs? Selling drugs? Tznius? Having a Smartphone?  Unfiltered Internet at home?  Torching the principal’s van? What happens when a student is expelled? How should it be handled by parents, teachers, the principal and others? What if your child is being negatively influenced by a classmate?

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