Rabbi Yitzchak Berkovits

11/15/24 - SHIUR 489 (21,158 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

How long should you date before getting engaged? How long does it take to get to know the other person?

What should be the goal of dating?
What are the minimum interactions required by Halacha before engagement and marriage?
What’s the downside of going too quickly? Of going too slowly?
How clear do you need to be about what you are looking for in advance of dating?
What are some great ways to get to know the other person?

06/27/24 - SHIUR 472 (19,392 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

What Happens to Kids When Parents Fight

When does conversation between parents go from “discussing difficult issues” to being offensive and prohibited speech?
Should parents avoid all conflict in front of their children?
If there is ongoing tension between parents, should they attempt to hide it from the children?
What’s the impact of bad Shalom Bayis on children?
How should children handle when parents regularly fight?

01/04/24 - SHIUR 450 (26,226 Downloads)

Amazon in Halacha

Is it permissible to place an order with one-day delivery on a Friday?
If a package arrives on Shabbos, is it permissible to open and use it?
Is it permissible to make an online purchase on Friday when it is already Shabbos in the seller’s time zone, knowing the seller is Jewish?
Is it permissible to keep an Amazon account active during Shabbos and Yom Tov?

Is it permissible to leave negative reviews on products?
Is it permissible to create positive, but fictitious reviews for your own products to enhance sales?

Can one purchase items during the nine days (items like clothes and Keilim that is forbidden to buy in those days), to be delivered after tisha b’av?
Can one purchase item prior to the nine day to be delivered during the nine days?
Can one purchase items on Chol Hamoed (that are forbidden to purchase on Chol Hamoed) to be delivered after Yom Tov?
Can one purchase Chometz on Chol Hamoed to be delivered after Pesach?

Hear from the trenches – How are the Kehilos and families in Eretz Yisroel Managing

06/01/23 - SHIUR 421 (22,566 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

“Living the Dream” – Spending Beyond Our Means

Why do people spend when they can’t afford to? Is it mutar to do so?
What’s the concept of “keeping up with the Joneses”?
What should we spend on and what should we not spend on?
Is there a problem flaunting your perceived wealth? Posting it on social media?|
How do you raise kids without their thinking they are underprivileged?
For a wealthy person, is there any reason they should limit their spending?
Does money buy happiness?

11/10/22 - SHIUR 394 (22,014 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

“Being in the box” – have we made the “box” into a coffin? Is “the derech” too narrow?

What’s the definition of being on the “derech” and “in-the-box”?
How have those definitions changed over time?
Is the “derech” too narrow and the “box” too confining?
Does being “out-of-the box” violate Halacha or just societal expectations and norms?
Are there halachic requirements to: wear white shirts and black pants, always wear a hat, go into certain occupations, not play sports and music?

10/19/22 - SHIUR 391 (21,054 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Do we need to be a shmata when dealing with difficult people?

What are some strategies and tactics for dealing with difficult people?
Can you reciprocate the negativity?
What if it’s your boss, Rabbi, Rosh Yeshiva or spouse?
When does the prohibition of hating someone apply? What if he earned the hatred? 
Do people get crankier when they get older?
How can someone tell if they are a difficult person?


Rabbi Elyada Goldvicht – Upcoming Semichas Chaver Events
NY and Baltimore event
Florida event

06/16/22 - SHIUR 375 (25,508 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

“Off MY Derech” (but still “On THE Derech”) – When children turn out more observant – or less observant – than their parents had hoped

What are the major areas of tension between parents and children regarding religious observance?
How should the issues be handled by both parent and child?
Are there differences between baalei tshuvah, modern orthodox and yeshivish in this regard?
Does Kibud Av Ve’eim mean that the child needs to fulfill the desires of the parents, even when the child disagrees?
Must children eat by parents when the children have stricter standards of Kashrus?
Can parents eat by children who have laxer standards?

10/02/21 - SHIUR 339 (32,934 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Should a husband always give in to his wife’s requests? Is the husband always to blame when there are Shalom Bayis problems? Can we change our spouses when something bothers us?

Are any deficiencies a husband sees in his wife really his own deficiencies, as claimed in the Garden of Peace?
Should a husband ever remark, comment, or criticize his wife? What about for a gross misdeed?
What issues do husbands complain about in their wives and vice versa?
Is there anything that can be done?

05/08/21 - SHIUR 321 (20,338 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Are there Halachic ways to eliminate debt?

Are there heterim to not repay debt?
What if it’s owed to a credit card company, bank or government, as opposed to a Jewish lender or gmach?
What must be disclosed when taking out a loan?
Is it better to learn in Kollel and incur debt, or to get a job?
Can a creditor force the debtor to sell his home and other assets?
Does halacha ever
cap the amount of debt we can incur? 

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