theft Archives - Halacha Headlines


06/30/23 - SHIUR 425 (47,992 Downloads)

HOT DEAL OR HOT AIR – Ponzi Schemes Proliferating – The Halachic, legal, and monetary ramifiactions

Is it Loshon Horah to say the name of the perperators?
Is it Mesirah to report such people to the authorities?
What is the proper way to deal with the families of the perpetrators?
What’s the Halachic status of the returns that insvestors received from the swindlers?
Is there a legal requirement to report fraudsters?
How should someone invest?

04/09/22 - SHIUR 366 (24,756 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Advertising by Tzedakah Organizations: Promises of health, nachas, shidduchim and parnassah – false advertising or needed yeshuos?

Do the halachos and secular laws regarding false advertising apply to organizations raising tzedakah?
Are promises by the charity a permitted form of advertising?
Should a charity require a minimum payment in order to get a beracha?
Is it better to daven for yourself, or have someone else daven for you?
Do the ends justify the means? Can puffery/manipulation be used in ads for the purpose of raising tzedakah for the genuinely needy?

01/28/22 - SHIUR 356 (27,316 Downloads)

Who owns a yeshivah? Who owns a Shul?

Who owns the money of a Yeshivah?
Can a Rosh Yeshivah sell his Yeshivah in America and relocate the Yeshivah to Eretz Yisroel?
Does the administration have a right to pocket the money if the Yeshivah folds, or does the money have to be given to another Yeshivah ?
Does the donor get back his money or get to decide where the money goes?
Do the legal laws of nonprofits apply to Yeshivos – Dina d’Malchusa Dina?
Can a Rosh Yeshivah take a severance package? How much? Is 21 million dollars too much?
What happened by the dispute of the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s libary

09/21/19 - SHIUR 238 (20,320 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Financial challenges of the workplace, and how to stay out of the “headlines”

Does the employer or employee get to keep the frequent flyer miles, is bathroom time on the clock, how sick do you need to be to take a “sick day,” taking personal calls on company time, using the company printer, and much more…

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