Coed dorms, bathrooms and classes; frats, drinking, and OTD risk; “orthodox” Jews mixed dancing parties at night and Shacharis the next morning; rampant anti-Semitism; extreme liberalism and Kefirah – is there any Heter?
Are the Ivy League Schools worse than Brooklyn and Queens colleges? How does the situation in the U.S. compare to that of the U.K., South Africa and Australia?
Can a Frum Jew become a doctor? Can a Kohein become a doctor? What are some of the many Halachic challenges they face?
Giving stitches on Shabbos, Working in a Hospital on Shabbos, and many more practical applications…
How to insure against the horrors of divorce or being left an aguna: The new Prenuptial that has the Haskamos of Gedolei HaPoskim. Horror Agunah stories that prenups would have helped. Is it a forced Get? Do they actually work? Can it solve the Agunah crisis?
E-commerce, Amira L’Akum, Schar Shabbos, Contracts and Partnerships
Why are “quick divorces” happening? What’s a good reason to get divorced quickly? Is “incompatibility” enough? What needs to be disclosed while dating? Addictions, mental disorders, abuse? How should references respond to Shidduch inquiries?
Is a Frum boy winning at Jeopardy a Kiddush Hashem? Israel sending aid to Haiti? Rallies for Rubashkin? An astronaut making Kiddush in outer space? Is Jewish success and or nationalism a Kiddush Hashem? Is learning in Kollel? And many more examples
Can one go to court when faced with a corrupt Toen or Beis Din? Should we allow Toanim in Beis Din? Is the system in Eretz Yisroel the correct model?
Why are there so many broken engagements nowadays? How can they be avoided? Does the one who breaks the shidduch get penalized? Do the ring, sheitel and other gifts need to be returned? Who pays the costs which were committed to (wedding hall, photographer, band, make-up artist)? Does the Shadchan need to return the Shadchanus?
Is there an affordable way to go to Beis Din? How do outcomes and costs compare to the court system? How to identify a reputable Beis Din vs. a rouge Beis Din…
Is it good or is it putting women’s lives at risk?
Is it ever Muttar to fire a Rav, a Rebbi or employee? Non competes, Contracts, Severance, How to hire employees, and much more…
Is Open Orthodoxy Orthodox
How should we translate the word “Simcha”? Why is Simcha so central to Jewish Torah life? What is special about the Simcha of Sukkos? How does Simcha become an ethical imperative? and much more…
Today’s Teshuvah is different than past generations: Find out how
Yud Gimmel Middos: How does it work? Is it magic? What do they mean? A fascinating new understanding
Does the employer or employee get to keep the frequent flyer miles, is bathroom time on the clock, how sick do you need to be to take a “sick day,” taking personal calls on company time, using the company printer, and much more…
The incredible impact & Mesiras Nefesh of the Shiluchim – from all six continents
Getting double reimbursements, expensing a business class ticket and flying coach, leaving your jacket at work so nobody knows you left, and much more
Dina D’Malchusa, Texting and Driving, Chiyuv to wear a seatbelt, Halachically allowed activities, and many more shailos
Can we Daven to Meisim? What needs a Hechsher? Sensors and motion detectors on Shabbos
Understanding the Holocaust
Are they still relevant? Have things changed? Would they still hold their positions today?
Should we put them on a pedestal and deify them, or see them as human with the possibility of foibles and errors? Is infallibility a Jewish or Christian concept?
A look back at the banned Sefer “The Making of a Godol”
Should we own a dog? The recent ban in Eretz Yisroel to dog ownership, Muktzah, Hotzaah, Feeding, Neutering, and many more Shailos
Why are they protesting? Why is the young generation going off the Derech? Understanding Rav Ovadia Yosef’s historic Psak in support of Ethiopian Jewish identity
Playing contact sports, going to games, following and cheering pro teams, idolizing sports heroes, Moshav Leitzim, and many other Halachos regarding sports
In Halacha and Hashkafah
What are our halachic requirements, if any?
Nivul Peh, social events, unwanted touching and conversation, and many other challenges discussed
Extremist groups and extreme Chumros in Halacha, Hashkafa and historically
Effects on our image, Chinuch and Kiruv, Dangers and benefits of extremism and much more
Muktzah, Hotza’ah, Women, Kovod Beis Haknesses, Correct to arm our communities, does it help?
Amazing story from Rabbi of Poway Chabad
Moving away from parents to Eretz Yisroel, When a child is Frummer, Chiyuvim of child to parent, and much more…
Tzedakah overhead, Fundraiser percentages, Flying business class, Giving publically, Tzedakah endowments, Who owns a Tzedakah, and much more…
Whiskey and other contemporary Chometz She’avar Alav HaPesach issues you must know
Genetics in Halacha; can we determine who is a Jew? Resolve mamzer cases? Be used in Beis Din?…
Should you go to a hotel? What should your concerns be before you go?
Is Quinoa kitniyos?
The beer controversy resolved
A fascinating conversation with the Mashbak of Rav Shach regarding his Hanhagos and care for health: what made Rav Shach quit smoking? Also, where does the Rambam recommend playing Ball?
How frum women should survive the non Jewish workplace
Women’s Role
Place of Women in Judaism – Chassidish Mehalech
Dealing with the possible Ribbis concerns, legalities, and dangers
First English interview with the chief rabbi
What to learn with someone taking their first steps in Judaism? What’s more important to learn -Tefillah or Torah (in a day school that can’t accommodate both)? Could we edit what we teach?
Keeping babies with Down syndrome or institutionalizing, Having babies after the age of 40, Abortion, Getting married and other questions
Marrying for money in Halacha and Hashkafah, and Preparing for a successful marriage
Highlights of the Agudah Yarchei Kallah
Is Starbucks a bishul akum issue? Microwaves? and much more…