Kashrus In Eretz Yisroel and Kashrus Part 3
Kashrus In Eretz Yisroel and Kashrus Part 3
What are the dangers and challenges of academia today? How can we strengthen ourselves and our children to navigate them? Is academia diametrically opposed to a Torah life?
A discussion with expert and experienced rabbis and academics
Dealing with the issues and transparency from the world’s Kashrus Experts
Can Chassidisher hechsheirim do what the large organizations do today? What hechsher is good and how do we know?
China: A Kashrus nightmare
Rabbonim discuss the movement towards Chassidus
Card games, Going to a casino, Chinese auctions, Poker – what is muttar?
The dangers of gambling
Airing previous clips from Moreinu Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky, Rav Mendel Shafran and Rav Nissan Kaplan on dealing with criminals. Should the wife and children of the criminal suffer? Should criminals be given Aliyos? What constitutes a Shul ban?…
Should batei din give reasons in decisions? Should there be appeals? Can they handle issues of corporate law? What are the advantages of the bais din system?
Debates about their dangers and what Halacha says a parent must do
Does Halacha obligate a parent to vaccinate? Are you a rodef if you don’t? An expose with the worlds greatest experts…
Clips from Rabbis Aderet, Brog and Weinberger
Discussion of dealing with the Conservative Synagogue massacre
Correct amount of dates, Yichud, Yichus, How do you know when it’s right? and many other common shailos
Marijuana in Halacha
Neemanus of a woman, What is considered a proper “kol”?, Believing an Eid Echad
Are the values of modern psychology incompatible with Torah values? Should we study psychology at secular academic institutions, and rely on therapists who were trained there? What are some specific areas of conflict? How should we look at the entry of the psychological discipline into our communities and institutions?
Showering on Y”T, Sleeping in the Sukkah, How much to spend on Arba Minim, Using Plastic Ties for Schach, Sitting in Sukkah on Shmini Atzeres and much more…
Stories and Inspiration
How do we remain functional despite a justified fear? Can we grow from year to year even as our deeds stay the same? What is the thread that ties together Malchus, Shofar, and Din?
Making a better Marriage, When a Spouse is not on same level of Yiras Shamayim, Dealing with in-laws, Lying for Shalom Bayis, Shalom Bayis vs. Halacha – What comes first? and much more…
Seminary in Israel, Going to College, How much to Teach? A heated debate – Is the old or new model correct? And much more…
Using deragatory names? What is our Attitude towards Goyim? What does Halacha BiYaduah Eisav Soneh Es Yaakov mean?…
What does Halacha tell us on how to conduct our marriage? An In Depth Discussion
Does Tuition Count? Supporting a son-in-law? Fundraisers? Aliyos? And many other common Shailos…
Shaking hands with the opposite gender, Going to holiday parties, Meetings in non-Kosher Restaurants, Being an Ohr Lagoyim, Websites on Shabbos, and much more..
What is the message for us today according to the many opinions?
Dealing with abusive parents. Dealing with elderly parents. Must one spend money? When does a child not have to listen?
Music in 3 weeks and Downloading Copyright Music
Kol Isha Ervah – On radio? In group? And more…
Sitting next to a women on an airplane, Making a minyan on an airplane, Going somewhere with no minyan, Siblings going swimming together, What can you buy without a Hechsher?, Traveling to Alaska or Hawaii – When do you keep Shabbos? And much more…
Vihavtem Es Hager at What Price? Hafka’as Kiddushin Controversy in Eretz Yisroel
Talking to your Children about Summer Camp (and Life) Dangers
Is there a difference? What is important? An expose’
People who are making a difference
Nefesh HaChaim vs. The Baal HaTanya Revisited
The Torah Hashkafah of Dealing with People with Alternate Lifestyles
What is halacha? What is Chumrah? What is minhag?
The Return of the Shaitel Controversy
Does new research make them Takruvei Avodah Zorah?
Mechiras chometz of Non-frum owned chometz – does it work?
How much Matzah must one eat, Pesach in depth
10 Halachik Shailos/riddles to debate on Pesach
A Pesach Message from HaRav Dovid Cohen Shlit”a
Medicines/Tairuvos – What is really Chametz?
Machine vs. Shmurah Matzah
Family Planning
Can a Jew own a gun shop? Should Israel be selling weapons to other countries?
A spirited debate, are today’s shavers muttar?
Can we censor parts of the Torah to our youth?
What is the inyan to have a beard? Are shavers muttar?
4 short thoughts for Purim
Feminism in Hashkafa & Halacha
Secular Subjects in Yeshivos
Curriculum in Yeshivos and Seminaries: Are parts of the Torah not meant to be taught to our youth?
One Thousand Dollar Sandwich – Is it Kosher?
Secular Subjects in Yeshivos
What it is and how to achieve it